Transgender Science Facts and Conspiracies


 Transgender Science Facts and Conspiracies - Recently, there is a lot of discussion on the transgender issue around the world.

It is claimed that it is wrong to call a person a boy if his genitals are male at birth or to recognize him as a girl if it is the opposite.

If someone mentally thinks that after a certain age he was actually born in the wrong body,

he actually thinks of himself as a girl even though his body is like a boy or if he thinks of himself as a boy even though his body is actually like a girl then they have the right to change gender.

This boy tries to change his physical structure to become a different gender, those who follow this method are called transgender.

At the same time, many people confuse the matter of transgender with Hijra, some without understanding, and some want to.

What is actually the reality? What does science say? Today we will discuss that, in sha Allah.

First come how one becomes a boy or a girl. Is there anything wrong here? Along with that,

I will also try to know whether there is any relationship with behavior or mentality with the formation of genitals.

We know that every male spermatocyte, or germ cell, is haploid, that is, it has only one set of chromosomes.

All other cells are diploid, with two sets of chromosomes, one set from the father and the other from the mother.

The sex chromosome in the spermatocyte can be either X or Y. On the other hand, the sex chromosome in the egg or ovum is X.

If the sex chromosome orientation after fertilization is XX, then it is born as a girl, if it is XY, it is born as a boy.

This specific structure of chromosomes is called genotype.

Transgender Science Facts and Conspiracies

What is the function of chromosomes?

Chromosomes are actually the twisted form of "DNA". This shape is actually formed by many twists.

This "DNA" actually contains the genetic information, based on which the body's structural and functional proteins are made.

The main thing is that the genetic information from "DNA" is copied and made into mRNA, which then joins the ribosome to pair the amino acid chain according to that information and protein is made.

Structural proteins are involved in the structure of the human body. Functional proteins are those dedicated to different functions in the body (eg enzymes, various ion channels, some hormones).

Then the structure of the human body and its physiological functions are determined based on the information that comes from the DNA in the chromosomes.

And according to the information of the sex chromosomes, sex orientation and everything related to it is regulated.

It can be seen in reality.

Many involved in West's trans movement acknowledge that there are two biological genders.

But what they mean is that regardless of their biological structure, their gender identity is what they feel inside themselves.

And to strengthen this identity they undergo some medical process for gender reassignment.

For example, if someone wants to change from a boy to a girl, first of all, the testicles and penis are cut off and then a vagina is surgically constructed.

Note that uterus or ovaries are not formed here. Some physical characteristics of women are actually determined to a large extent by two hormones called estrogen and progesterone.

For example, the special structure of the chest or lower abdomen, the subtle tone of the throat,

and even the menstrual cycle are all dependent on this hormone. But they are made mainly from the ovary.

But they don't have ovaries. So as the egg is not fertilized, in the same way the hormone is not produced in the same amount.

So they have to take hormones separately after surgery. The whole process, however, is a terribly expensive affair.

Also, it is not possible for her to become a woman even in the face of so many things. She will never be able to conceive.

If someone wants to change from a girl to a boy, he also has to undergo surgery to cut off the breast,

he also has to inject testosterone separately. But at the end of the day he doesn't have testicles, he can't produce sperm. She will actually be barren.

From the discussion so far it is quite easily understood that this trans-movement, whatever it may be, does not go with the natural constitution of man.

So this is the thing to think about?

There is a thing called dilution. Whatever the reality, whatever the truth, many people sometimes believe something that is far from reality.

Thinking of yourself as a girl even if you are a boy or thinking of yourself as a boy even if you are a girl can be compared like this.

To some it may appear that the boy is also a little feminine in his nature. Even though she is beautiful,

her nature is somewhat masculine. It can be so often due to the influence of human environment.

Maybe it's the influence of the way he grew up in his family, maybe it's the influence of what he's seen on TV or on the Internet.

But if, influenced by these, someone claims to be a girl despite being a boy, the question may arise whether it can be called delusion. But it is not natural at all.



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