Murder of Uthman


 Murder of Uthman - The rebels came to Medina and besieged the city. They are in Masjid Nabbi Osman. Who started to stop praying and giving sermons.

On Friday, Hazrat Uthman RA. He got up to deliver a sermon in the Prophet's Mosque. Then the rebels started rioting. They are Uthman. He started throwing stones at it.

He was knocked unconscious by the stone. People caught him and took him home. Hazrat Ali, Talha, Jubair. He proceeded to serve him.

Rebels Osman Ra. He began to apply pressure to resign from the caliphate. But Uthman RA. Then he said to them,

I will not take off the clothes that Allah has put on me.

In addition, it is Uthman Ra. To this, the Prophet said. It had a will. He once said to Uthman. Who called in private and said,

If Allah has given you this position and the hypocrites want to take it off, then you will not take it off.

The rebels then besieged the Caliph. This tragic news spread in the Muslim world. People started preparing to come from different countries.

But then the rebels spread a fake news that a truce had been concluded. The rebels retreated. But it was wrong news.

The heat of summer has already increased. At once the rebels also tightened the siege.

They are Uthman. He imposed a ban on food reaching his house.

Ali Ra. After knowing this incident, he said with anger, "Do you behave like Muslims or like infidels?"

Has this man harmed you, that you rise up to besiege him and kill him?

Murder of Uthman

Hajj time is approaching

  While this siege was going on, the time of Hajj approached. Caliph Hazrat Uthman RA. Abdullah Ibn Abbas RA. who ordered

You set out for Makkah with the caravan of Hajids. Hazrat Ibn Abbas RA. He said, O Amirul Mu'minin! By Allah,

To me, Jihad against these miscreants is more important than Hajj.

But Uthman RA. He explained and sent him to Hajj. Ummul Mu'mineen Ayesha with the said Haj caravan. He set out for Hajj.

Because, Ayesha ra. Was worried, the rebels Osman Ra. After that, Ummul could attack the believers.

Because they are already Ummul Mu'minin Hazrat Umm Habiba. And Hazrat Safia RA. Whom they insulted in public.

During this time, many Companions left Madinah. Hazrat Amr Ibn As, the conqueror of Egypt. He left Madinah with his two sons in grief and went to Palestine.

Hazrat Hassan bin Sabet RA. He left Medina. Talha Ra. He stopped leaving the house.

Hazrat Jubair RA. He went outside Madinah. Because the rebels were spreading this propaganda that Yuvair Ra. This is our leader. Nauzubillah!

Amirul Momineen's Exhortational Speech

One day during the siege of the rebels, Hazrat Uthman RA. Standing on the wall of his house, he addressed them and said,

I am asking by Allah, do you not know that I myself purchased the well named Ruma in Bir and gave it as waqf for Muslims?

The people present said, yes.

Then Uthman Ra. He said, then why did you stop the water of this well for me? Then he said,

Don't you know that I bought more land for the Prophet's Mosque and expanded the mosque. So why are you preventing me from going to the mosque?

The words of Amirul Momineen were so touching that some of the rebels said that it is not right to oppose Amirul Momineen.

After Hajj

After Hajj, the news came to Madinah that Haji Saheb is coming back. In the meantime, news has arrived that the army is coming from Kufa and Basra.

Meanwhile, the rebels Osman Ra. He was unable to accept his resignation. They decided, Hazrat Uthman RA. He will be ambushed and martyred.

But even the foremost rebel like Ashtar Nakhai did not agree with this terrible act.

She is Umm al-Mu'minin Umm Habiba. Who sent Uthman Ra. Who wanted to move elsewhere.

But other rebel leaders thwarted Ashtar Nakhai's attempt. Then came that tragic day.

The day was the 18th of Zilhaj. Hazrat Uthman RA. Fasted on this day. On that day he freed 20 slaves.

After that he became engrossed in reciting the Quran. Meanwhile, Uthman Ra. Many companions and followers gathered near his house for its protection.

Hazrat Abu Huraira, Hasan, Hossain, Abdullah Ibn Jubair, Saeed Ibn As, Muhammad Bani Talha are among them.

Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar RA. He was staying there wearing armor. Rebels Osman Ra. Who decided to kill.

They attacked the door of the house. Then the above Companions resisted it with full force. The fighting started.

Hazrat Talha RA. Amirul brought shield armor to protect the believers. He started shooting arrows at the enemies.

Uthman Ra. Then he said to all the security personnel, you should go home. Lift this guard.

He wanted to make everyone understand that caliphate is not a kingship. It is a responsibility from Allah. So one should not shed blood for their own interests.

Hazrat Uthman RA. Following his orders, everyone left. However, Hazrat Hasan RA. remained He didn't get up.

Uthman Ra. He was reciting the Quran then. After a while he said, I swear by Allah, you go.

Then he called two people and explained the responsibility of preserving Baitul Mal.

Death of Usman

When the rebels saw that there was no guard, they sent one to look inside.

Then he came and said, it is completely empty inside. Then one was sent to Usman Ra. who to kill

But he is Usman Ra. Who did not dare to kill.

Just said, leave the caliphate. Usman Ra. He said, I cannot take off the clothes that Allah has put on me.

Then the person came out and said, it is not lawful for us to kill this person. Then another one went.

Uthman RA. He said, Allah's Word exists between you and me. He also left upset.

Thus the rebels started sending people one by one. But everyone repented and turned back.

Hazrat Abu Bakr His son was also with the rebels by mistake.

Now he was sent. Usman Ra. Seeing him, he said, "Isn't this anger of yours contrary to God's gift?"

Then he said to him, You cannot be my killer. Your father would never have liked it if he had seen it.

Hearing this, Muhammad bin Abu Bakr went back in shame and repentance. Then the rebel leaders Osman Ra. enters its room.

Amir al-Mu'minin was reciting the Quran as before.

At this time, one of the rebels called Roman with an iron stick. who hit

Then another person named Abdur Rahman bin Ghafeki also struck with an iron weapon.

What is the name of the killer of Hazrat Usman?

Then a person named "Krishnayam" advanced and Uthman RA with full power. He held his throat. Usman Ra. He began to squirm.

Then he took out the sword from the scabbard. Hit on it. Immediately, a stream of blood fell on the Qur'an.

After that, Osman Ra with another unfortunate spear. Hit on it.

Then Usman RA. Pronounced, I walk in the name of Allah and I put my trust in Allah.

Meanwhile, the noise reached the women's part of the house. Then Usman RA. His wife Naila and his daughters rushed to save him screaming.

At this time, a person named Sudan bin Humran attacked the cursed Naila. Some of his fingers were cut off.

In this, a rebel Osman Ra of Egypt. Put the sword on its chest and apply the full strength of the body. Immediately his body became swollen.

This great caliph of Islam and Prophet's son-in-law Hazrat Usman. He was martyred before sunset on 18 Zilhaj 35 Hijri.

Killing some rebels

Usman Ra. That day some slaves were freed on the condition that they would not take up arms against the rebels.

When they heard the news of the commotion and came to the scene, they came to know that Hazrat Usman RA. Who was martyred?

Then they attacked the rebels. One of them beheaded Sudan bin Humran from his body.

Another sent another rebel named Qutaira to hell. Two slaves were martyred here while fighting against the rebels.

In the meantime, Hazrat Hasan RA. And Abdullah Ibn Jubayer RA. And Marwan bin Hakam. He came back after hearing the commotion.

They started fighting against the rebels. All three of them were badly injured. The people of Medina later rescued them in a bloody state.

At the end of the rebels Osman Ra. By looting his house. After looting everything in the house, they proceeded towards Baitul Mall.

They looted there too. As a result, they were world priests and rioters.

Funeral and burial

Usman Ra. After his martyrdom, the news spread all over within moments.

That night, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Talha, Hazrat Hasan, Hazrat Zaid bin Sabet RA. With other companions Usman Ra. Happened to rush.

Even women and children come to Medina to participate in the funeral. Usman Ra. Its bed was kept in his room.

People were visiting it in groups. As a martyr, Osman RA. Who was not given a bath? The bloody clothes were kept as a shroud.

Then Marwan bin Hakam. He offered funeral prayers. Then Hazrat Usman RA. Its bed was taken to Jannatul Baki.

The rising sun of Islam and the well-told companion of Jannatul Baki, Hazrat Uthman RA. be lost forever

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